
Cultural Policies Esav 2022

16 April- 26 Mai, 2019 curated by Nathalie Locatelli La maison de la photographie Lille, France

22 – 24 février 2019 Kino Rex Bern, Switzerland

7-16 Feb Curated by Marina Fomenko at ARTPLAY Design Center Moscow, Russia

Santa Cruz de la Sierra Bolivia 27th Sep-20th Nov 2017

Almawred Althaqafy program for international travel grants

Fez Gathering curated by Omar Chennafi From 12th till 15th jan,2017 Dar Batha, Fez

2nd Caravane Tighmert Festival, Mo

From 18 to 29 april, 2016 curated by Bruna Gambarelli Associazione Culturale Laminarie, supported Europe Grand Central European project, DOM la cupola del Pilastro

The International Artist’s Gathering is an opportunity for local and international artists to discuss their work and collaborate on future projects, while at the same time, presenting their work to the public and opening up the discussion to a wider audience.

Mediterranea 17 Young Artists Biennale, Milan from October 22nd to October 25th

24 April – 9 May 2015 A LAB Overhoeksplein 2 1031 KS AMSTERDAM Netherlands

International video art program curated by Kisito Assangni

Zeta Art Center & Gallery presents TIME is Love.8 [Show 2] 20-21 March 2015 Zeta Art Center & Gallery Rr.Abdyl Frashëri n.31, Hekla Center Tirana, Albania


Festival Caravane de Tighmert Guelmim, Tighmer from 20 th to 27 july

Tuesday 20th October 2015 —— > PARIS SOBERING GALERIE 87 rue de Turenne 75003 Paris

22 april 15h00 Espace Abdellah Laroui (Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines Ben M’Sik Casablanca Selection of Best of 28th edition des Instants Vidéo.

December from 14th to 16th at Fabbrica del Vapore, in Milan, an event in order to present all the collaborative projects BJCEM have organized during the year.

ProjectLocate hosts online exhibitions showcasing artists and cultural producers from different countries in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region. ​

From the 27th to 29th Technopark Tangier

“Designer L’art contemporain durable” From 6 to 24 oct, 2017 Curated by Yasmine Laraqui at Dasthe space Casablanca

Muestra Internacional de Arte Sonoro e Interactivo curated by Maite Camcho Perez 5-25 March, 2018 La Casa Encendida, Madrid

18-22 janvier 2019 Parcs des Expositions de Paris-Nord, Villepinte, Ille-De-France, France

18 dec 2020/ 18 jan 2021. Alyss’art Gallery Rabat Morocco

Resindency Atelier de l’Observatoire

22 Feb- 29 Mar 2020 Curated by United Artists Mövenpick Marrakech Morocco

5-25 April, 2019 MOMus-Experimental Center for the Arts Thessaloniki, Greece

20-24 Dec Curated by Ahmed Mohsen Mansour Saudi Arabian Society for Culture and Arts Dammam,KSA

Fez Gathering 3rd International Artist Gathering of Fez “AfricaoftheAfricans” Artists Talk, curated by Omar Chennafi 11-14 January 2018 ALIF Riad 6, Derb Idrissi Skallia Douh in the Fez Medina

from 03/08 to 03/11, 2017 AT Cineteca Sarda and Teatro Massimo Cagliari, Italy

From 16 to 23 May

Tuesday 11 to 25 jan, 2016 Mallet- Stevens Hippocrène- Villa Foundation. Paris. “Inhale me”, 2016 Particapatory Work DATE AS PER POST Curated by Valentine Busquet (Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes).

28th edition des Instants Vidéo 8 NOVEMBRE From 6 to 29 Novembre Marseille (Friche La Belle de Mai)

Les Nuits Sonores de Tanger Date : 9 octobre Horaire : 18h00 Lieu : Librairie les Insolites – 28, rue Khalid ibn Oualid

16 May 2015 SALA REKALDE Alameda Rekalde 30 48009 BILBAO 16 May – 24 June 2015 KALAO PANAFRICAN CREATIONS Arbolantxa N°6 48001 BILBAO Spain

Friday, January 2nd 2015 EXPRESSIVE ARTS INSTITUTE 2820 Roosvelt Road #204 San Diego, California 92106 USA

5-7 July

Curated by Nikos Podias at Archaeological Museum of Messenia.

Kalamate, Greece